Sentence example with the word 'backdrop'


act drop, back, cloth, curtain board, drop, flat, hinterland, rear, setting, stage set, teaser, transformation scene

Definition n. scenery hung at back of stage

Last update: November 3, 2015


London, a global city, provides a unique backdrop for the range of courses on offer.   [noun]


Hood provided a backdrop to the vast acreage of coniferous forest in the Pacific north west of the USA.   [noun]


Ridgway, a few more miles away from the backdrop of mountains, provided a spectacular view.   [Please select]


Whether he spoke in the Egyptian desert, before the backdrop of the Sphinx and the pyramids, or addressed his shivering men on the dew-soaked plains of Italy, made no difference.   [Please select]

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babble - backdrop - backhanded