Sentence example with the word 'beadles'


Last update: October 3, 2015


Housekeepers are, after beadles, the most wonderful functionaries in the ecclesiastical life of Scotland, and every species could be found within a day's journey of Drumtochty.   [Please select]


"It did not become him to boast," he said, "but he had seen marvellous things in his day: under his unworthy ministry three beadles had been converted to Christianity," and this experience was so final that the conference immediately closed.   [Please select]


'Like beadles,' said Anthea, 'or vergers.'   [Please select]


Beadles are but men: and Mr.   [Please select]


Trafalgar Square was jammed with a dense mass of humanity, through which mounted police pushed their way solemnly, like beadles in a vast unroofed cathedral.   [Please select]


'We are coming to Ferrybridge now,' she said, 'where there was a party of OURS left to support the beadles, and constables, and justices, and these sort of creatures that are examining papers and stopping rebels, and all that.'   [Please select]


It's like the country, you know; everybody goes out with everybody in the Gardens; and there are beadles, you know, and that sort of thing.   [Please select]

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beadle - beadles - beadlike