Sentence example with the word 'berating'


abuse, assault, bitter words, contumely, execration, invective, jeremiad, philippic, revilement, tirade, vilification

Definition n. a severe rebuke

Last update: August 15, 2015


I saw him berating them and trying to shame them into joining their regiments.   [Please select]


Regardless of the vindictive threats of the bullets, he went about coaxing, berating, and bedamning.   [Please select]


She was borne to the shore; there were men on horseback; some one with a clear, authoritative voice was now berating, now good-humoredly arguing with, her late judges.   [Please select]


At Boggs City, the sheriff, berating Anderson Crow for a fool and Tinkletown for an open-air lunatic asylum, sent his deputies down to assist in the pursuit.   [Please select]

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berates - berating - bereave