Sentence example with the word 'berserker'


Definition n. one of the ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury

Last update: July 26, 2015


BERSERKER (from the "Sark" or shirt of the "bear," or other animal-skins worn by them), in Scandinavian mythology, the name of the twelve sons of the hero Berserk, grandson of the eight-handed Starkadder and Alfhilde.   [Please select]


His New York comprehension of their berserker furies was apparently without limit.   [Please select]


In Berserker madness, torrent and uproar, clashed the two colours.   [Please select]


"Go on, Berserker--axes must needs lead--we will do it."   [Please select]


Perhaps, indeed, the Berserker blood of our frontier spoke in Mr.   [Please select]


In the onset he had raged like a Berserker, now he sat imperturbable, ruddy and stolid, an English philosopher on a fallen pine.   [Please select]


There was an answering shout, and Kolgrim, with the Berserker fury on him, was among the wild crowd from out of the darkness, and his great sword was cutting a way to my side.   [Please select]

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