Sentence example with the word 'bilingual'


Definition adj. using or knowing two languages

Last update: June 9, 2015


Some of them were already manifest when one of its author's colleagues, Schlegel (who had been employed to write the text for Susemihl's plates, originally intended to illustrate Temminck's work), brought out his bilingual Revue critique des oiseaux d'Europe (8vo, 1844), a very remarkable volume, since it correlated and consolidated the labours of French and German, to say nothing of Russian, ornithologists.   [Please select]


Strange to say, only one of these texts is bilingual.   [Please select]


Unity has arisen in spite of the bilingual difficulty.   [Please select]


Two Egyptian inscriptions have been found at Knossos, but no bilingual one.   [Please select]


Still we need not despair of finding the much desired Cretan-Egyptian bilingual inscription yet.   [Please select]


Karibu-sha-Shushinak, whose recently discovered bilingual inscription has been referred to above, was one of the earlier of the subject princes of Elam, and he probably reigned at Susa not later than B.   [Please select]


A list of Keftian names is preserved in the British Museum upon an Egyptian writing-board from Thebes with what is perhaps a copy of a single Cretan hieroglyph, a vase; but again, nothing bilingual.   [Please select]

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biliary - bilingual - bilious