Sentence example with the word 'biologic'


Definition adj. pertaining to biology or to life and living things

Last update: October 13, 2015


(bot.): (1888); Delage, LAnnee biologique: confptes rendus annuels des travaux de biologic gnrale (Paris, 1895), &c.; Farmer, Recent Advances in Vegetable Cytology, Science Progress (1896), vol.   [Please select]


Hart Merriam, Chief of the Biologic Survey, for the loan of specimens for description and illustration.   [Please select]


Fisher's report on the food of Hawks and Owls, issued by the Biologic Survey in 1893, the results of the examination of the contents of several thousands stomachs of these birds is tabulated.   [Please select]


Yet it is doubtful if the slightest change in the population of a biologic province can be brought about without some effect upon all the members of the society.   [Please select]

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biography - biologic - biological