Sentence example with the word 'blasphemed'


Last update: August 29, 2015


They blasphemed the Virgin, allegorizing her as the upper Jerusalem in which the Lord came in and went out, and denying that he was really made flesh of her.   [Please select]


And so, while some were imploring the gods, others blasphemed them because of this awful catastrophe.   [Please select]


"Has not one who has so blasphemed earned death."   [Please select]


At one time he raved and blasphemed; and at another howled and tore his hair.   [Please select]


The cross, here as elsewhere, has been planted only to be blasphemed by cruelty and fraud.   [Please select]


So she suborned false witnesses, who swore at the trial of Naboth, already seized for high treason, that he had blasphemed God and the king.   [Please select]


Anguish snapped his fingers and sarcastically invited the insulter to meet him next winter in a battle with snowballs, upon which the aggressor blasphemed in three languages and three hundred gestures.   [Please select]

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blaspheme - blasphemed - blasphemer