Sentence example with the word 'blather'


absurdity, blatherskite, caquet, drivel, gabble, gush, malarkey, patter, rattle on, stuff and nonsense, twiddle-twaddle

Definition n. foolish gibberish

Last update: October 11, 2015


"Will you cease your blather of mutiny and treason and courts-martial."   [Please select]


It didn't happen often that they had a chance for a talk together; Mary was determined that this one shouldn't be spoiled by Walter Blythe's silly blather about Pipers and Germans and such like absurd things.   [Please select]


If Nietzsche's criticism of democracy were as ignorant and empty, say, as the average evangelical clergyman's criticism of Darwin's hypothesis of natural selection, then the advocates of democracy could afford to dismiss it as loftily as the Darwinians dismiss the blather of the holy clerks.   [Please select]

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blate - blather - blathering