Sentence example with the word 'boudoir'


Definition n. a lady's bedroom or private sitting room

Last update: October 13, 2015


When he described the scene to Cynthia later that night, she was dumbfounded that he hadn't burst into the boudoir and exposed the bloodied corpse of the dead acting sheriff that she was certain was reposing behind the closed door.   [Please select]


"You shall have your own boudoir upstairs," said Sidney valiantly.   [Please select]


She was taken up to her boudoir, a nest of blue satin and sunshine.   [Please select]


As we emerged into the drawing-room, Amelia beckoned me aside towards her boudoir for a moment.   [Please select]


They mounted to the deck; and the usual hugging, kissing, and handshaking followed in the boudoir.   [Please select]


There was much furniture, yet but few ornaments, in Lady Louisa's boudoir.   [Please select]


Leighton sat in her boudoir with a stern face and tightly compressed lips.   [Please select]


She rose in silent dignity, and went to her boudoir and lay down there.   [Please select]


It really was the prettiest Writing-Desk in the world, a desk for a duchess's boudoir, all made of polished rosewood, and standing tall and graceful on four curving legs.   [Please select]


I ordered a bungalow all on one floor--that's what I ordered--with a boudoir and two bedrooms, and an extra one for my honored father-in-law, and still another for my thrice-honored uncle, Mr.   [Please select]

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boucles - boudoir - boudoirs