Sentence example with the word 'brachet'


Last update: August 1, 2015


Brachet and MorelFatio.   [Please select]


There saw he a red and white brachet, caught by the swift stream that ran into the race, fast swimming as ever he could swim, yet by no means able to escape.   [Please select]


At this the young maid wept yet more bitterly than she had wept for her hound, and cried aloud, "Alas, if so goodly a man should spend his life for my little brachet."   [Please select]


Then was she shamed, and put him gently from her knee, and began to thank him and to ask with what she might reward him for the saving of the brachet.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

braches - brachet - brachia