Sentence example with the word 'brandies'


Last update: June 21, 2015


The local industries, chiefly developed since 1880, include the manufacture of cotton, linen, wool, ribbons, cloth, chocolate, soap, brandies, leather, cards and nails.   [Please select]


, England offering in return to diminish its duties on Spanish wines, brandies, and dried fruits.   [Please select]


_ad valorem_ duty, if England would admit Spanish brandies at 50 per cent.   [Please select]


_ad valorem_ should be the limit of the import duty of Spanish wines and brandies into England, as it was to be the limit of the duty on English cottons into Spain.   [Please select]


After several stiff brandies and soda Gungadhura then conceived a plan that might have been dangerous supposing Yasmini to have been less alert, and supposing that she really knew the secret.   [Please select]

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brandied - brandies - branding