Sentence example with the word 'breakable'


brittle, crackable, crushable, effeminate, fragile, gimcrack, jerry-built, namby-pamby, scissile, sissified, tacky, womanish

Definition adj. capable of being broken or damaged

Last update: June 20, 2015


"Captain," says Alan, "I doubt your word is a breakable."   [Please select]


"Yes," he concluded, "I don't see nothing breakable, so I guess it's safe."   [Please select]


The two mongrels were without spirit at all; bones were the only things breakable about them.   [Please select]


He felt, no doubt, more sorry for her than her indignant relatives; but it seemed to him that the tie between husband and wife, even if breakable in prosperity, should be indissoluble in misfortune.   [Please select]


In her gleaming, supple dress of satin-like ivory jersey, she looked some tiny, finished, jewel-object, infinitely breakable, at which one ought only to look if it were safely behind glass.   [Please select]

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break - breakable - breakables