Sentence example with the word 'breastworks'


Last update: July 6, 2015


Disciplined troops as they were, they resisted the temptation to escape Ferrara's fire by breaking out to the front; but the whole Spanish line was enfiladed, and on the left of it the papal troops, who were by no means of the same quality, filled up the ditch in front of their breastworks and charged forward, followed by all the gendarmerie.   [Please select]


Daniel has climbed on to the other side of the breastworks.   [Please select]


But Jackson's men still lay close in the woods and behind their breastworks.   [Please select]


Now, he is barricading the streets and building breastworks.   [Please select]


The defenders were secure behind their breastworks of earth.   [Please select]


On to the breastworks they came and clambered up.   [Please select]


Under experienced hands the breastworks sprang up as if by magic.   [Please select]


He stood with more than half his body above the breastworks.   [Please select]


For except at the exact center, a collie's throat is protected by a tangle of hair as effective against assault as were Andrew Jackson's cotton-bale breastworks at New Orleans.   [Please select]


Our left is covered by the wood of Barre, where a strong redoubt has been constructed; and the whole of the position is fortified with breastworks and abattis as far as Fontenoy.   [Please select]

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breastwork - breastworks - breath