Sentence example with the word 'brindled'


Definition adj. having a grey or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring

Last update: August 1, 2015


A second and larger species is the brindled gnu or blue wildebeest (C. taurinus or Catoblepas gorgon), also known by the Bechuana name kokon or kokoon; and there are several East African forms more or less closely related to the latter which have received distinct names.   [Please select]


The "brindled gnoo" (_Catoblepas gorgon_) is the other species that inhabits the South of Africa.   [Please select]


It is of a bluish colour--hence the name, and "brindled," or striped along the sides.   [Please select]


"O brindled cow," cried he, in a tone of despair, "do you never mean to stop."   [Please select]


The brindled cow, which has led us hither, will supply us with milk.   [Please select]


By the stove lay three beasts, a hen, a cock, and a brindled cow.   [Please select]


Pretty cock, Pretty hen, And you, pretty brindled cow, What do you say now.   [Please select]

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brindle - brindled - brine