Sentence example with the word 'buffoonery'


acting, crackpottedness, folly, giddiness, idiocy, mimesis, nugacity, playacting, senselessness, stupidity, witlessness

Definition n. acting like a clown or buffoon

Last update: September 13, 2015


Next the Doctor congratulates Scott on his talent for buffoonery.   [Please select]


But when this habit becomes the characteristic of any wit, it is impossible to prevent it from degenerating into occasional buffoonery, and from supplying a cheap and ready resource, whenever the true vein of humour becomes thin or rare.   [Please select]


O'Mally, for all his buffoonery, was a keen one to read a face.'   [Please select]


These worthies are not to be "abused with profane wit or low buffoonery."   [Please select]


Their opposition to the Fifteenth Amendment, the buffoonery of George F.   [Please select]


But more usually the merry mood of the Egyptians asserted itself, as it so often does at the present day, in a demand for something approaching nearer to buffoonery.   [Please select]


This buffoonery was highly appreciated by the audience which witnessed it; and the banqueting-room must have been full of the noise of riotous mirth.   [Please select]

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