Sentence example with the word 'cadenza'


acciaccatura, cadence, embellishment, flight, grace note, improvisation, interpolation, mordent, pralltriller, run, vamp

Definition n. a brilliant solo passage occurring near the end of a piece of music

Last update: June 18, 2015


This last was pretty certainly an improvised cadenza, such a thing as I do not remember ever to have heard before from _Melospiza melodia_.   [Please select]


Then, as if in answer to some irresistible summons within him, he dashed into the next phrase and, with marvelous technique, played quite through the rippling cadenza that completed the movement.   [Please select]


Like old friends the melodies seemed, and so glad was David to see their notes again that he finished each production with a little improvised cadenza of ecstatic welcome--to Mr.   [Please select]

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cadences - cadenza - cadenzas