Sentence example with the word 'cajolery'


Definition n. flattery intended to persuade

Last update: September 16, 2015


Fouche, for meddling in the negotiations through an agent of his own, was promptly disgraced; and, when neither England was moved by diplomatic cajolery nor Louis Bonaparte by threats, French troops were sent against the Dutch capital.   [Please select]


This is what his cajolery has brought us to.   [Please select]


He has tried bullying, cajolery, and false-hood, and last of all he has plunged into crime.   [Please select]


I resent the cajolery of the supple twists of her body.   [Please select]


It was all a story of cajolery or intimidation from the formidable opposition, and of mean yielding in the places of responsibility.   [Please select]


You have sent in one of your best terriers; he has tried by cajolery and caresses, by cries, by straining at his chain to be allowed the honourable distinction of first blood.   [Please select]

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cajoleries - cajolery - cajoles