Sentence example with the word 'calfskin'


Definition n. fine leather from the skin of a calf

Last update: August 6, 2015


"Calfskin, you know, is never split; it is not heavy enough for that."   [Please select]


* * * * * _Another week later_, Well, I've got them--those brown and blue serge dresses and the calfskin boots.   [Please select]


His companion was dressed in a suit of fine cloth, his linen was of the finest, his shoes were calfskin, and he had the indefinable air of a boy who had been reared in luxury.   [Please select]


Linda Strong thrust forward a foot and critically examined the narrow vamp, the projecting sole, the broad, low heel of her well-worn brown calfskin shoe.   [Please select]

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calfs - calfskin - calfskins