Sentence example with the word 'cancels'


Last update: August 3, 2015


If at any points of a vortex line the cross-section ABC, A'B'C' is drawn of the vortex filament, joined by the vortex line AA', then, since the flow in AA' is taken in opposite directions in the complete circuit ABC AA'B'C' A'A, the resultant flow in AA' cancels, and the circulation in ABC, A'B'C' is the same; this is expressed by saying that at all points of a vortex filament wa is constant where a is the cross-section of the filament and w the resultant spin (W.   [Please select]


"Obedience to your heavenly Father cancels all duty to your earthly one."   [Please select]


"I think that cancels the articles between us," he said.   [Please select]


"Mynheer Muller cancels that invitation at my request," he announced sternly.   [Please select]


Again, while the object of knowledge, if it ceases to exist, cancels at the same time the knowledge which was its correlative, the converse of this is not true.   [Please select]

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cancelling - cancels - cancer