Sentence example with the word 'catalyst'


agent, author, decay, father, hydrolysis, incitement, introducer, motivation, primum mobile, seditionary, transformer

Last update: March 1, 2017


The enzyme was the catalyst that triggered the chemical reaction.   [Please select]


Fortunately for battery manufacturers, the ice storm was a catalyst for increased battery sales.   [noun]


His caustic expression served as a catalyst to her boredom.   [Please select]


The most usual method adopted in the manufacture of soap is to hydrolyse the fat or oil by caustic soda or potash, the fatty acids liberated at the same time combining with the catalyst, _i.   [Please select]


_, 1903, 67) with fairly satisfactory results, and the use of sulphurous acid, or an alkaline bisulphite as catalyst, has been patented in Germany.   [Please select]

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catalysis - catalyst - catalysts