Sentence example with the word 'catastrophic'


baneful, cataclysmic, demolishing, destroying, disastrous, fratricidal, nihilist, revolutional, ruining, subversive, transilient, wasteful

Last update: August 29, 2015


The attacks on September 11, 2001, are the most obvious example of this, with catastrophic harm inflicted by nineteen men with box cutters and plane tickets.   [Please select]


No other event would be so immediately and surely catastrophic.   [Please select]


Catastrophic noises resounded in the loft; volcanoes seemed to romp upon the stairway.   [Please select]


The catastrophic creation of peers for the purpose of swamping the Upper House is utterly different.   [Please select]


This model sends to PSM a less catastrophic message, which stabilizes the situation.   [Please select]


Every one agreed that the long dry summer menaced some catastrophic change which should surprise this easy-going age as the plague had done last year.   [Please select]


He became the leader of the little band of "irreconcilables" who girded their armor to prevent what they regarded as a catastrophic sacrifice of American interests.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

catastrophes - catastrophic - catatonia