Sentence example with the word 'charisma'


agacerie, black power, consequence, entrapment, halo, magnetism, pizzazz, productivity, sex appeal, upper hand, wooing

Definition n. a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others

Last update: July 17, 2015


The politician earned a lot of female votes because of his winning smile and charisma.   [Please select]


When the model walked down the runway, everyone was taken back by his charisma.   [Please select]


She had nothing but charisma and the knowledge the Black God was fond of her.   [Please select]


Liu Ts'ung did not possess the indisputable charisma of his predecessor Liu Yüan; and the Huns looked with contempt on his court splendour, which could only have been justified if he had conquered all China.'   [Please select]

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chariots - charisma - charitable