Sentence example with the word 'chino'


Definition n. trousers made with chino cloth

Last update: June 29, 2015


Labrusca, reappears in Japan), and others; an assemblage, as long ago pointed out by Asa Gray, which can only be paralleled in the Chino-japanese region, another centre of preservation of Miocene types.   [Please select]


Except for the short campaign of the Chino-Japanese War of 1894, modern implements of sea war remained untested.   [Please select]


These latent rivalries had been brought into the open by the Chino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, which showed the powerlessness of China.   [Please select]


The owner of the Cross-Triangle always declared that Phil was intimately acquainted with every individual horse and head of stock between the Divide and Camp Wood Mountain, and from Skull Valley to the Big Chino.   [Please select]

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chinning - chino - chinoiserie