Sentence example with the word 'classroom'


Definition n. a room in a school where lessons take place

Last update: June 18, 2015


We had small classrooms in our school.   [Please select]


Many stories are told of the vivacity and enthusiasm with which he lectured, of the absent-mindedness which sometimes led him, forgetting that his pupils could not hear what he was saying, to continue his explanations while he was out of the classroom looking for some piece of apparatus, and of the vigorous tirades, generally culminating in the epithet "plagiaire," in which he used to indulge against men with whom he disagreed (Hofer, Hist.   [Please select]


Nyoda had heard a great many kinds of voices in her years in the classroom.   [Please select]


I wanted to see farther, into the very classroom.   [Please select]


Two o'clock strikes; and my pupils enter the classroom.'   [Please select]


Do not trust to memory nor to the inspiration of the classroom.   [Please select]


"I spend them at my desk, in my study, or in the classroom."   [Please select]


I can still see him in classroom, head cocked to one side, grimly watching the prof.   [Please select]


I look with veneration upon those of our sisterhood who have grown old in the classroom.   [Please select]


For nine months they had been in the classroom, meeting heroically the petty trials and annoyances incident to their life work.   [Please select]


Thereafter he disappeared from sports and from his kind every way, except in the classroom and in the debating hall.   [Please select]

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