Sentence example with the word 'coalescence'


Definition n. the union of diverse things into one body or form or group

Last update: December 4, 2016


Have become obliterated by coalescence of their walls, so that the entire endoderm of the umbrella is in the condition of the endodermlamella.   [Please select]


Coalescence of pigment has taken place in the formation of the wax tips.   [noun]


To them, no doubt, a coalescence with the Roman system would have been acceptable.   [noun]


He ascribes the colours to a coalescence or confusion of the two reflecting pulses; the principal of interference being unknown to him, he could not go further in the way of explanation.   [Please select]


The consequence is, that the light on the one side of the central line will completely abolish the light on the other side of that line, absolute darkness being the result of their coalescence.   [Please select]

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coalesced - coalescence - coalescences