Sentence example with the word 'cohesive'


adhering, cleaving, coriaceous, hard, indiscerptible, infrangible, lasting, ropy, stringy, tenacious, unified, wiry

Definition adj. causing cohesion

Last update: September 27, 2015


Family has a cohesive force that sustains it as a unit.   [Please select]


After six weeks of training together, our group bonded and became quite cohesive.    [Please select]


These terrorist cells are so cohesive it is nearly impossible to gain access to any of the group members.    [Please select]


That when sodium is heated in a hard glass tube, the vapour which is formed is extraordinarily cohesive, only slowly spreading out in a cloud with well-defined borders, which can be rendered visible by placing the tube in front of a sodium flame, against which the cloud appears black.   [Please select]


The cohesive power of caste is an unknown element to the outsider.   [Please select]


We have said that woman is the cohesive force which holds society together.   [Please select]


That force was the cohesive power of abstract caste in the presence of a foreign irritant threatening its atomic disintegration.   [Please select]

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cohesion - cohesive - cohesiveness