Sentence example with the word 'commensalism'


Definition n. the relation between two different kinds of organisms when one receives benefits from the other without damaging it

Last update: August 13, 2015


Commensalism occurs in a few instances, but parasitism either external or internal is rare.   [Please select]


It is a case of commensalism of which there are very numerous examples.   [Please select]


Commensalism: applied to this manner of living and eating together.   [Please select]


Why are these associations called commensalism rather than symbiosis.   [Please select]


Parasitism: a form of symbiosis in which one party lives upon or at the expense of the other, makes no return and destroys its host: see symbiosis; commensalism.   [Please select]


Symbiosis: a life relationship existing between different kinds of animals or plants, or between animals and plants: true symbiosis is where both parties to the relation benefit: see also parasitism, commensalism.   [Please select]

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commensal - commensalism - commensurable