Sentence example with the word 'communicable'


allowable, consignable, endemic, expansive, inoculable, metathetic, pandemic, presentable, toxicant, transmittable, venenous

Definition adj. (of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection

Last update: August 13, 2015


It is chiefly in the " flying " flocks and not in the breeding flocks that the disease is rife, and it is so easily communicable that a drove of scab-infested sheep passing along a road may leave behind them traces sufficient to set up the disorder in a drove of healthy sheep that may follow.   [Please select]


But the outcome has to be expressed in words if it is to be communicable.   [Please select]


What Lord Grey knows about copartnership and the way it works is in the form of ascertainable, communicable, and demonstrable facts.   [Please select]


He is one who appreciates, and expresses his appreciation so fittingly that it becomes a kind of truth, and a permanently communicable object.   [Please select]

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communicability - communicable - communicant