Sentence example with the word 'conative'


Last update: July 17, 2015


In so far as the older doctrine is open to the charge of neglecting the conative and teleological side of experience it can afford to be grateful to its critics for recalling it to its own eponymous principle of the priority of the "ideal " to the " idea," of needs to the conception of their object.   [Please select]


Man's spirit has to carry all its knowledge and experience into its own conative spiritual potencies.   [Please select]


A feature which marks all the fighting, and which we cannot afford to disregard, is the conative aspect of the behaviour of the owner of the territory.   [Please select]


Now it is impossible to observe the instinctive routine of the parents, when the young need attention, without being impressed with the conative aspect of their behaviour.   [Please select]

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conation - conative - conatus