Sentence example with the word 'concourse'


accompaniment, at home, colligation, concordance, cooperation, driftage, hub, meet, prom, sitting, trend

Last update: October 17, 2015


A large concourse of cricket fans could be seen outside the stadium.   [Please select]


His body was brought to Amesbury for interment; the funeral services were held in the open air, and conducted after the simple rites of the Friends, in the presence of a large concourse, certain of whom " spake as they were moved " in tribute to the bard.   [Please select]


Suppose a concourse of columns covered by a roof,--the Parthenon.   [Please select]


La Salle looked down from his rock on a concourse of wild human life.   [Please select]


Given motion and sufficient time, these might by fortuitous concourse make all possible combinations.   [Please select]


We perceive that all other things can exist only by help of the concourse of God.   [Please select]


The courtiers and hidalgos, and a vast concourse of people, came forth to meet him.   [Please select]


Speaker Lloyd at their head, and a vast concourse of cheering people at their heels.   [Please select]


Afterward, as I watched the vast concourse, I felt a _serrement de cœur_.   [Please select]


Here there was a large concourse of boatmen and others awaiting them.   [Please select]


"A large concourse of people had been drawn to the Exchange coffee-house, during the night, by the passing events, which were not there, as at head quarters, a subject of exultation and gratulation."   [Please select]

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concords - concourse - concourses