Sentence example with the word 'condiment'


allspice, caper, chili vinegar, cumin, five spice powder, green pepper, mint, peppercorn, relish, seasoning, tartar sauce

Last update: September 17, 2015


Mustard and ketchup are condiments.   [Please select]


It is essentially a food cheese rather than a mere condiment, and 1 lb of it will furnish as much nourishing material as 24 lb cf the best beefsteak.   [Please select]


"He said, 'Humor is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence."'   [Please select]


Is a condiment of this kind necessary to the grubs.   [Please select]


No pleasure, it appears, can be fully relished without an added condiment of pain.   [Please select]


The condiment vessels form no small part of the collection.   [Please select]


Steak and broiled chicken are fairly practical since neither needs gravy, condiment, or sauce--especially if you have a divided vegetable dish so that two vegetables can be passed at the same time.   [Please select]


However valuable it may be as a medicine, and even as a debergent in the case specified, there is but slight ground for confidence in it merely as a condiment.   [Please select]

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