Sentence example with the word 'condolence'


aid and comfort, clemency, compassion, encouragement, forbearance, humanity, mercy, pathos, reassurance, ruth, solace, sympathy

Last update: September 26, 2015


Condolences were sent from all over the world on the death of the leader.   [noun]


Messages of sympathy and condolence came to the Alpine Club and Royal Geographical Society from mountaineering Clubs all over the world.   [noun]


SE ASIA TSUNAMI EARTHQUAKE APPEAL BOOK OF CONDOLENCE - our Cathedral in Lancaster has a book of condolence for the victims of the tsunami.   [noun]


Influenced by these feelings, she exhausted in succession all the usual arguments for courage, and all the expressions of sympathy and condolence ordinarily employed on such occasions.   [noun]


She wished me to look after the house, to see callers, and answer notes of condolence.   [noun]


With these expressions of condolence, the fat gentleman shook hands with both ladies, and drawing up a chair, inquired how they found themselves.   [noun]


She had not been long there before she learned my disaster, and coming up to me, after a compliment of condolence, inquired into the particulars of my fate.   [noun]


I saw, too, General Schuyler's letter of condolence, but this was later.   [Please select]

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condoled - condolence - condolences