Sentence example with the word 'congenially'


Last update: June 7, 2015


This would also explain the absence of explicit scriptural citations generally, though knowledge both of the Old Testament and of several New Testament books - including the congenially symbolic Gospel of John - is clear (cf.   [Please select]


To receive favors from a king, she will rise to exalted positions and be congenially wedded.   [Please select]


It was from the application of James himself that William took any part in English affairs; for he was more widely and much more congenially employed in the establishment of a fresh league against France.   [Please select]


And who can tell how the flagging heart, beneath the cool mantle of time, revives, shapes itself into keen sympathies again, and spreads itself congenially to the altered light.   [Please select]

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congeniality - congenially - congenital