Sentence example with the word 'coronach'


Last update: July 17, 2015


CORONACH, a dirge.   [Please select]


_ch_ “ “ loch (lo_ch_), coronach (kor’ o nä_ch_), clachan (klă_ch_’ än).   [Please select]


] that shall cry the coronach loudest for the last Vich lan Vohr.   [Please select]


In every house there would be a crying of the death wail--the coronach of sorrow.   [Please select]


But the Great Earl's mither was living--they were a doughty and a dour race, the women o' the house o' Glenallan--and she wad hae nae coronach cried for her son, but had him laid in the silence o' midnight in his place o' rest, without either drinking the dirge, or crying the lament.   [Please select]


She said he had killed enow that day he died, for the widows and daughters o' the Highlanders he had slain to cry the coronach for them they had lost, and for her son too; and sae she laid him in his gave wi' dry eyes, and without a groan or a wail.   [Please select]

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corona - coronach - coronae