Sentence example with the word 'cosmical'


amplitudinous, boundless, cosmic, cosmologic, galactic, immeasurable, king-size, massive, monstrous, outsize, sizable, titanic, vast

Last update: July 23, 2015


But I have just been at Leyden and Amsterdam to ask after Galileo's cosmical system as I imagined I had heard of its being printed last year in Italy.   [Please select]


Consequently, an absolute cosmical limit is empirically, and therefore absolutely, impossible.   [Please select]


I experience the objective or even cosmical character of my enterprises.   [Please select]


Then her father's sharp impatience as they walked home--that reasonable men in a reasonable age should be asked to sit and listen to Paul's logic, and the absurdities of Paul's cosmical speculations.   [Please select]


Schelling thus recognizes a threefold nature: organized, inorganic, and universal organizing (according to Harms, cosmical) nature, of which the two former arise from the third and are brought by it into connection and harmony.   [Please select]

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cosmic - cosmical - cosmogonic