Sentence example with the word 'counseled'


Last update: September 17, 2015


The voices of those who counseled delay and advised waiting for something else before advancing had been so completely silenced and their arguments confuted by such conclusive evidence of the advantages of attacking that what had been discussed at the council--the coming battle and the victory that would certainly result from it--no longer seemed to be in the future but in the past.   [Please select]


Nor were other and manifold dangers taken into account by those who counseled war.   [Please select]


"I don't believe we want to try it," counseled Glen.   [Please select]


"You mustn't pay too much attention to what Matt Burton says," counseled Spencer.   [Please select]


"Hold on there, hold on," the deputy counseled Glen.   [Please select]


To have counseled the boy to retreat now would have been futile, and Akut knew it.   [Please select]


The hill Dyak chieftain who had counseled peace came forward.   [Please select]


He counseled those who felt pains to look carefully to their loyalty.   [Please select]


In a guarded tone he counseled his companion to do likewise; and Calendar, after a moment's blank, uncomprehending stare, acknowledged the wisdom of the advice with a grunt.   [Please select]


A moment before, still counseled by his reason, he had been on the point of a cold answer, resolved correctly to beg her pardon and make this interview the last.   [Please select]

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counsel - counseled - counseling