Sentence example with the word 'counterpanes'


Last update: August 9, 2015


There are large woollen factories at Cuzco and Lima, the Santa Catalina factory at the latter place turning out cloth and cashmere for the army, blankets, counterpanes and underclothing.   [Please select]


It was a real stage too the dining-tables pushed close together and covered with pink-and-white counterpanes.   [Please select]


Side by side against the wall there were seven little beds, covered with snow-white counterpanes.   [Please select]


On the bare floor were two or three small blue rugs, there were pretty blue counterpanes on the beds, and blue curtains on the small windows.   [Please select]


"She'd better 'a' been takin' in sewin' and earnin' money, 'stead o' blindin' her eyes on such foolishness as quilted counterpanes," said Mrs.   [Please select]

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counterpane - counterpanes - counterpart