Sentence example with the word 'coverer'


Last update: August 13, 2015


The king Hariçćandras has no sons; the god Varuṇas the coverer, the gloomy, the watery, the king of the waters,[219] obliges him to promise that he will sacrifice to him whatever is born to him.   [Please select]


V VALESQUEZ, Spanish canvas coverer.   [Please select]


When he comes to the place where the sun sets, he bethinks himself of binding the horse with iron chains (the rope of Yamas, or Varuṇas, the nocturnal coverer or binder, which binds the Vedic hero Çunaḥçepas, the sun, he of the golden rod), in order that it may not escape and go back again.   [Please select]

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covered - coverer - covering