Sentence example with the word 'crocket'


Definition n. an architectural ornament of curved foliage used at the edge of a spire or gable

Last update: August 5, 2015


Panther," said Crocket."   [Please select]


Sir John put his head out of the coach window, and looked anxiously along the straight road, peering through the shades of evening in the hope of seeing the crocketed spires and fair cupolas of Louvain in the distance.   [Please select]


Many doorways of this style, especially during its early progress, were surmounted by crocketted ogee-shaped hood mouldings, terminating with finials.   [Please select]


Doorways in this style are often profusely ornamented; and it is common to see doors covered with panel-work boldly recessed, the compartments of which are sometimes filled in the heads with crocketed ogee arches, which produce a rich effect.   [Please select]


] Eastward of the sedilia, in the same wall, is a _fenestella_ or niche, sometimes plain, but often enriched with a crocketed ogee or pedimental hood moulding in front, over the arch, which is trefoiled or cinquefoiled in the head.   [Please select]


Het was een heerlijke, groene vlakte, met drie breedgetakte eiken in het midden en een gerold stuk grasveld om crocket op te spelen.   [Please select]


"Hij moet er inloopen," fluisterde Laurie Jo toe, die knikte en onmiddellijk vroeg: "Heb je niet valsch gespeeld met crocket."   [Please select]


Een geïmproviseerd paardenspel, de "kat en de muis," en een vriendschappelijk partijtje crocket vulden den namiddag.   [Please select]

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crockery - crocket - crocketed