Sentence example with the word 'curculio'


Last update: September 3, 2015


The dates of the rest of the extant plays, here given in alphabetical order, are quite uncertain, namely, Amphitruo, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi, Casina, Curculio, Epidicus, Menaechmi, Mercator (probably later than the Rudens, as shown by F.   [Please select]


, deer raised by Curculio Curlew, Eskimo long-billed Currituck County wild-fowl slaughter Currituck Sound, N.   [Please select]


49 per cent, and one stomach contained a specimen of the notorious plum curculio (_Conotrachelus nenuphar_).   [Please select]


By an annual expenditure of about $8,250,000 in cash for spraying apple trees, the destructiveness of the codling moth and curculio have been greatly reduced, but that money is itself a cash loss.   [Please select]


Add to this the $12,000,000 of actual shrinkage in the apple crop, and the total annual loss to our apple-growers due to the codling moth and curculio is about $20,000,000.   [Please select]

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curbstones - curculio - curculios