Sentence example with the word 'decry'


abuse, belittle, cast blame upon, cry out against, denounce, devaluate, disgrace, impugn, mark down, reprobate, take from, write off

Definition v. express strong disapproval of

Last update: August 15, 2015


Some decry the lack of technique in free verse and in free verse criticism.   [verb]


And he goes on to decry the fact that some American intellectuals no longer believe in America 's role of defending the West.   [verb]


He could not at first believe that such a work came from America, and said it must have been fabricated by his enemies at Paris, to decry his system.   [verb]


All, or almost all, the clever young men of the brilliant generation of 1830 passed under his influence; and, while he pleased the Romanticists by his frank appreciation of the beauties of English, German, Italian and Spanish poetry, he had not the least inclination to decry the classics - either the classics proper of Greece and Rome or the so-called classics of France.   [Please select]


She paused a moment, and then added: "Not that I would decry loveliness of person child."   [Please select]


But the vendor was proof against all such attempts to decry his goods.   [Please select]


To conform to the social standards of those who decry her virtue.   [Please select]


And let no reader think that I wish here to decry R.   [Please select]


"Far be it from me to decry the holy state of matrimony, Mrs."   [Please select]


I do not mean to decry them, but the reborn are lifted far above them by the subversion of the will by which our will is submitted to God's.'   [Please select]


It is the fashion to decry labor-saving devices in the house, because they do away with that sign of pecuniary ability, the capped and aproned maid.   [Please select]

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decries - decry - decrying