Sentence example with the word 'delegating'


Definition n. authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions

Last update: June 20, 2015


Where it is a case of delegating some part of the supreme authority, as when Seleucus I.   [Please select]


Nothing was too great or too small for our attention, and Bertrand had all a great commander's capacity for delegating work to others.   [Please select]


Philip, however, though henceforth he passed the whole of his life in Spain, had no intention of loosening in any way his grasp of the reins of power or of delegating any share of his sovereign authority.   [Please select]


The Englishman, who was in presence of no centralised administrative power, who regarded the Government rather as receiving power from individuals than as delegating the power of a central body, took liberty mainly in the sense of restricting law.   [Please select]


As it was inconvenient, when Rome had become a very great city, to convene the comitia for the trial of offenders, the expedient was adopted of delegating the jurisdiction of the people to persons invested with temporary authority, called _quaestors_.   [Please select]


There are many methods of delegating these powers to the citizens at large, one of which is to let them execute them by turn, and not altogether, as was done by Tellecles, the Milesian, in his state.   [Please select]

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