Sentence example with the word 'delineator'


Last update: August 23, 2015


The extraordinary result obtained by Terence is that, while he has left no trace in any of his comedies of one sketching from the life by which he was surrounded, there is perhaps no more truthful, natural and delicate delineator of human nature, in its ordinary and more level moods, within the whole range of classical literature.   [Please select]


However great she was as a delineator of character, she is not an oracle as a moral teacher.   [Please select]


It has been the fortune of the delineator of D'Arcy to be thrown intimately across several of the great poets of his time, not one of whom displayed a personality so dominant as Rossetti's.   [Please select]


Desnoyers would follow with interest the motions of his brush and accept all the explanations of the soulful delineator.   [Please select]


"All this, it seems to us, has somewhat obscured Stevenson's true power, which is surely that of an arch-delineator of 'human nature' and of the devious ways of men."   [Please select]

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delineations - delineator - delinquencies