Sentence example with the word 'demiurgic'


Last update: September 24, 2015


PTAH, the Hephaestus of the Greeks, a demiurgic and creative god, special patron of hand-workers and artisans.   [Please select]


And again in the Gorgias, he relates the fable concerning the three fabricators, and their demiurgic allotment.   [Please select]


But from the Timaeus you may obtain the theory about intelligibles, a divine narration about the demiurgic monad, and the most full truth about the mundane gods.   [Please select]


These forms beheld in divine natures possess a fabricative power, but with us they are only gnostic, and no longer demiurgic, through the defluxion of our wings, or degradation of our intellectual powers.   [Please select]


By the first of these terms, Plato is accustomed to denominate the final cause; by the second the paradigmatic; by the third, the demiurgic; by the fourth, the instrumental; by the fifth, form; and by the sixth, matter.   [Please select]


Dante, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Goethe--what exalted, what demiurgic creations have they bequeathed to us, what power to move, what beauty to ponder with unapproachable longing.   [Please select]

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demisemiquaver - demiurgic - demivolt