Sentence example with the word 'demobilization'


breakup, diaspora, discharge, dispersal, parole, release, unbolting, unchaining, unharnessing, unleashing, unmuzzling, untethering

Definition n. act of changing from a war basis to a peace basis including disbanding or discharging troops

Last update: October 13, 2015


When modified in February 1806, after Prussia's demobilization, they comprised the occupation of Hanover by Prussia, with the proviso, however, that she should exclude British ships and goods from the whole of the northwest coast of Germany.   [Please select]


, or something, wasn't he, just before the time for his demobilization.   [Please select]


Red tape squirmed and writhed about the business of demobilization.   [Please select]


Agreement was soon reached on frontier questions, on armament, on questions of demobilization, on the demilitarization of particular regions, and so on, for the last thing anyone wanted was to fight.   [Please select]


In September, lured by a false security, the governor ordered the demobilization of the state troops, save for two companies.   [Please select]

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demobbed - demobilization - demobilize