Sentence example with the word 'depositaries'


Last update: September 8, 2015


The chief depositaries of these Mandaean mysteries are the priests, who enjoy a high degree of power and social regard.   [Please select]


Cato spoke against the project of law of Trebonius, or rather he employed the two hours allowed him in declamations on the conduct of the depositaries of power.   [Please select]


It was not known who were the rightful depositaries of power during the interregnum, nor who were possessed of a voice in the election of king.   [Please select]


He did seek security for government funds by suggesting the removal of deposits from private banks and the establishment of an independent treasury system, with government depositaries for public funds, in several leading cities.   [Please select]


Nobody could suppose the divines of the day to be the depositaries of an esoteric wisdom which the vulgar were not worthy to criticise.   [Please select]

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deposit - depositaries - depositary