Sentence example with the word 'deserter'


Sabbath-breaker, backslider, breakaway, defector, fugitive, rat, renegado, sacrilegist, secessionist, traitor, walkout

Definition n. a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.

Last update: July 22, 2015


He was the only deserter in his batallion.   [Please select]


A revival of Irredentism in connection with the execution of an Austrian deserter named Oberdank, who after escaping into Italy endeavoured to return to Austria with explosive bombs in his possession, and the cordial references to France made by Depretis at Stradella (8th October 1882), prevented the French government from suspecting the existence of the alliance, or from ceasing to strive after a Franco-Italian understanding.   [Please select]


"Not French deserter."   [Please select]


"Are you a deserter, then."   [Please select]


The deserter always found American merchantmen ready to harbor him.   [Please select]


Cicero and his party thought that this deserter would bring a great addition to their strength.   [Please select]


I should run away, and you'd shoot me as a deserter.   [Please select]


It's selfishness that makes a man a coward or a deserter.   [Please select]

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