Sentence example with the word 'detention'


afterthought, captivity, deceleration, duress, hindrance, interference, letup, opposition, resistance, slow-up, stoppage

Definition n. a state of being confined

Last update: July 27, 2015


The story of his detention by the governor (officially styled captain) of Malacca - a son of Vasco da Gama named Alvaro de Ataide or Athayde - is told with many picturesque details by F.   [Please select]


This last place of detention turned out to be a prison.   [Please select]


Henderson claimed £800 damages for the detention of his vessel during his prosecution.   [Please select]


A great deal was said by her parents about Maud's unfortunate detention in the city.   [Please select]


Let there be nothing to indicate that there has been detention.   [Please select]


They would heed no detention from the time-serving, the worldly and the timid.   [Please select]


Wolverstone was set at liberty that afternoon, and his assailant sentenced to two months' detention.   [Please select]


The detention, however, proved a blessing in disguise, for it gave him Mr.   [Please select]


On the way home the lieutenant discoursed a lot about prisoners and detention-camps, for at one time he had been on duty at Ruhleben.   [Please select]


The well-versed metropolitan knows the slums as a sort of house of detention for poor aliens, where they live on probation till they can show a certificate of good citizenship.   [Please select]

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detente - detention - detentions