Sentence example with the word 'diapason'


accord, claribel, cromorna, foundation stop, hybrid stop, monody, posaune, second, stretch, trumpet, vox humana

Definition n. either of the two main stops on a pipe organ

Last update: August 1, 2015


Its voice shrilled above the diapason of the thunder; the forest swung to its long cry.   [Please select]


The voice was tremulous, but as rich in tone as the diapason of an organ.   [Please select]


Bear yourselves like men," its limbs seemed to roar in solemn, deep diapason."   [Please select]


It was the beginning of that amazing diapason of industry which accompanied the building of the cities of the West.   [Please select]


Initiated in low and subdued tones, the sound soon rose in volume to the open diapason of barbaric blood lust.   [Please select]

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