Sentence example with the word 'diarrheas'


Last update: October 25, 2015


The wise nurse, who knows something of the laws of the mind, soon realizes that the _sympathetic nervous system_, rather than physical disability, causes many indigestions, headaches, diarrheas, dry mouths, chills; is responsible for much nausea, much "exhaustion," etc.   [Please select]


"[47] Numerous medical writers, of the justest celebrity, have assured us, that endless and dreadful evils are the portion of all who are engaged in the manufacture of tobacco; that the workmen are in general meagre, jaundiced, emaciated, asthmatic, subject to colic, diarrheas, to vertigo, violent headach, and muscular twitchings, to narcotism, and to various diseases of the breast and lungs."   [Please select]

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diarrheal - diarrheas - diarrhoea